Green approach
With the environment slowly deteriorating, it’s important that we all do our part to help wherever we can. This can be done in so many ways, and countless ways to ensure that your home is as eco-friendly as possible.
The team at www.onlinemortgageadvisor. co.uk have put together their top tips to help you make sure that your home is as eco-conscious as possible, and to advice you with switches you can make in order to move towards a greener home.
Switch to a more sustainable heating source
Making the switch to a renewable method for your heating is a great place to start. Boilers can generally be fueled by three different types of fuel (gas, electric and biomass) and homeowners can decide which would be best for their home. Solar thermal is another way of switching over to a more environmentally friendly energy source and allow you to use energy from the sun to do things such as boil water which is a much cleaner alternative.
Swap out regular light bulbs for LED bulbs
Investing in the correct energy-efficient light bulbs makes a huge difference. Not only will you use less electricity, but you’ll also make your home more environmentally friendly thanks to how long-lasting they are.
Use a programmable thermostat
Go green by installing a programmable thermostat to monitor your heating system. This can reduce the cost of your utility bills and will make your home much more eco-friendly at the same time.
Get window treatments
Despite keeping your windows closed, heat and cold air can still creep in, and if you don’t have a huge tree in front of your house to protect it from the sun, your home can start to feel like an oven. Upgrading your curtains and blinds is a great place to start to maintain the temperature and make your house more environmentally friendly.
Air dry your clothes
While tumble dryers are up there with one of the most useful inventions, they can be awful for the environment. They use up so much energy and produce a lot of CO2 – even the ones with better energy ratings. Opting to air dry your clothes might take a while longer, but it costs literally nothing to make the switch and you’ll be able to say you’re doing your part to save the environment.
Make the choice to turn off
This one isn’t just to help the environment; it will help you too. We live in a digital age which is fantastic in countless different ways, but it’s not too good for the environment. Every time we use an electronic device, we’re using energy which is likely generated from a not so renewable source. Additionally, our online lives can also be damaging to our mental health and wellbeing, so making the decision to turn everything off every once in a while with help both the environment, and you.
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