Exceptional homebuilder, CRx creates classic custom homes and historic renovations with a Delaware difference
Since we last checked in with leading Delaware-based custom homebuilder, CRx Construction (CRx), the company has seen stratospheric success and significant growth. “The last two years have been an incredible time for the construction industry. We’re still feeling the effects of Covid-19 in some areas, but there is also a tremendous amount of opportunity. We’ve experienced massive growth, and, going forward, we’re now looking to consolidate and maintain that success. This year will be about fine tuning our processes, to ensure we’re consistently giving our clients a true five-star experience,” begins company President, Dion Lamb.
“At the beginning of the pandemic, we had a huge influx of business. We operate mostly in coastal towns, where skilled labor is already quite scarce, so that was definitely a challenge. We had to manage people’s expectations and keep everything as stable as possible for the clients. Following that intense period, things started to level out and it felt like everyone was catching their breath. The priorities of our local market have shifted, as the towns have grown there are less open lots available. Moving forward, I think we’re going to see a pretty significant uptick in large-scale renovation projects, which is really exciting,” he continues.
A second-to-none customer experience has helped CRx stand out from the crowd. As Dion describes: “When we first meet with clients, the first thing we do is share with them our core values as a company. The first value is customer advocacy, and the second one is journey before destination. With those two things combined, we can be the eyes and ears for our clients in the field. We work collaboratively with our customers to ensure the best possible outcome. We say from the very start, if you love the end product but didn’t enjoy the journey, then we failed. Building a home is an exciting prospect for clients, and our goal is to ensure it doesn’t turn into a period of increased stress. We find that when everyone sets out with a common goal, that’s when you achieve a truly great client experience.”
Union of old and new
Creating custom homes means CRx has had the opportunity to work on a variety of innovative and unusual projects. As Dion discusses: “We’ve done a lot of cool projects over the last two years. We finished an ocean-front house on Fenwick Island recently. It’s a beautiful property, and quite unique, with Key West and New Orleans influences. We have also worked on two very different modern family homes. One was a single-story house, which was built around its outdoor living space. The design was a really interesting blend of traditional and modern elements, with this bold indoor-outdoor concept at its core.
“Another one of my personal favorites was a project that took place in one of my favorite local areas. There’s a specific town near me, called Dewey Beach, that’s home to a cluster of historical cottages. Most of them were very old and rundown, but they all have a very similar look. Over the last seven years, we’ve renovated ten homes and not only brought them back to their former glory but also created changes that look as though they have always been a part of the architecture. Ever since we finished our first one of those projects, I wanted to design a replica of one of those homes and build it from the ground up. Then, last summer, we got the opportunity to do just that. And it turned out so amazingly. The homeowners were thrilled with it, and it was just a really fun project all round.”
Crafting more than a career
It’s clear that for Dion, construction is about more than just business. With 20 years of experience in the industry, he reveals how he found his niche in home-building: “I found my way into the construction industry almost by chance. Around 20 years ago, I had been laid off from my engineering job, and one of my former colleagues had started a construction business a couple of years before. He wanted to expand into remodeling and asked me to join the company to manage that branch of the business. I worked there until 2008, which was of course a difficult time for everybody. I moved jobs to work with a larger local builder, and then seven years later decided to strike out on my own.
“I took a lot of lessons from my experience with those other companies and applied them to CRx. I also wanted to incorporate my own vision into the business, especially the custom element of construction. There was no Plan B, I was determined to make it work. Sink or swim. And here we are — the company has seen a tremendous amount of growth, far beyond my expectations, and I can’t wait to see where it leads us.
“As for the future, I would obviously like to see the company continue to grow, but I want to keep the growth sustainable. As part of our strategic plan moving forward, we are also looking to become more vertically integrated, by adding more businesses under the CRx umbrella. We want to provide a completely seamless experience for clients, and bringing more skills in-house is a reliable way of achieving that goal. I’m also really passionate about sharing the company’s success. I would love to see some of my more senior employees take ownership of the business one day,” Dion concludes.